Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is there a line?

I was wondering, is there a line in the environmental earth-friendly people friendly world? Where do we draw the line to both help people and help the earth? I know some folks think that the primary task is to save the planet, and thus we provide a home for people, which is definitely important. But, is there a time we should be putting people before the planet?

Try this, what cost should a person pay for being environmentally friendly? If you had a choice between buying a ream of paper at say, $2, or a ream of recycled paper at $5, which one would you buy? What if the recycled paper was produced in your country, which means jobs for local folks and the cheaper paper was imported, which means money going out of the local economy?

I just wonder, don't we all draw the line every time we shop based on price? Isn't that really what's happening when someone tells me they can buy lesser quality inks and toners on-line from outside the country?

1 comment:

Camp Director said...

At one time, made in the USA was a label consumers looked for and were proud to purchase. We definitely should get back to that concept. After all, wasn't it just last year that China was selling toys made with lead?